If you ever wanted a quick reference to where your favorite hair metal band got their start, check out this Hair Metal History Map put together by Phil D.
Phil writes… “I spent dozens of hours putting it together and now, I’m trying to share it with those who would appreciate it! It is a work in progress and I would love any suggestions or input!”
Band choices were made based on the look, subject matter, attitude, lifestyle, time period, influence, affiliated bands, radio/TV play, and Phil’s memory.
Click on any band photo to see where they are from. You can also click the ‘Timeline’ tab that will show the hair metal movement origins in 1977 and where it grew across the U.S. and Europe through 1994.
Thanks for the great work Phil!
The year was 1991 and WARRANT was enjoying their biggest commercial hit. ‘Cherry Pie’ was heavily played on MTV and it seemed the Hair Bands would rule forever.
But lead singer Jani Lane knew it was over when he walked into the office of Warrant’s record label and instead of seeing a large poster of the ‘Cherry Pie’ album cover just a year earlier, he now saw Alice In Chains.
And so the story goes… you may have heard that Grunge killed the hair bands, but did it also kill the career of wrestler ‘Ultimate Warrior’? Interesting take here
For those of us that love 80’s metal and hair bands, the early 90’s was painful… captured perfectly here