If our favorite bands from back in the day have gone clean and their rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, big hair and outrageous dress sense were more memorable than the songs they wrote (as this writer claims), why do we still listen to this stuff?
The music industry has changed drastically since the decade of decadance… and certainly not for the better.
Many of today’s artists are just plain boring 🙁
METALLICA’s James Hetfield famously slammed GUNS N’ ROSES frontman Axl Rose’s rider when the two bands toured together in the early ’90s in a video that became a YouTube hit.
Hetfield picks up where he left off with Axl’s 2010 rider and tells Byron Cooke of Australia’s long-running rock station Triple M what he really thinks of GUNS N’ ROSES. See how the videos compare below.
“I’ve got nothing against GUNS N’ ROSES,” Hetfield tells Cooke. “I mean, he’s doing what he wants to do at this point. I don’t know if there’s much ‘guns’ or ‘roses’ in any of that, but it’s Axl, and he is Axl and he has not changed or waned one bit, and I kind of respect that.”
Axl’s requirements haven’t changed much over two decades. The same booze, the same cheese… However, Axl now needs a bed in his dressing room. “What does he do, sleep at the gig?” Hetfield laughs.
Read more from Triple M.
There’s no question that these guys had the most luscious hair in music history, and that includes the Spice Girls, Taylor Swift, and even Mr. Michael Jackson. It’s just so full and rich and lustrous, like a Breck commercial, but with penises.
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George Lynch, former lead guitarist of Dokken, performed a concert Tuesday evening in the front lot of Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Winfield, Kansas.
Lynch, who joked about not wanting to visit with newspaper reporters until he knew more about their political views, acknowledged that he had not heard of Winfield or its Walnut Valley Festival prior to his appearance. However, he called the Kansas show “good for the soul” and said this type of show was a nice change of pace for him.
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A live recording that is 74 minutes long seems like a long concert.
But with a fast-paced metal band like Megadeth, an hour and approximately fifteen minutes of ripping rifftastic metal goes by in a flash and leaves you wanting more.
That is, of course, a good thing.
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Yeah, Anthrax tried a little rap back in the day… fortunately it still kicked a little ass. I’m not sure how the hell I ended up on the Tennis Video Channel website, but this video was sandwiched between some tennis news and a tennis video 🙂 Enjoy.
“Old rock stars fall hard”
I’m forty-nine years old. I’m five-foot-nine, 170. The spandex is over. I’ve had three plastic surgeries. Still, who do you think gets laid more, me or you? … It’s a miracle we survived at all. A bottle of Jack Daniel’s and uncooked hot dogs do not make for a particularly well-balanced diet. We are all very lucky we didn’t kill ourselves …
These days I’ve got businesses to run. I like the action. Something to get your heart pumping. Healthier than a syringe full of cocaine powder like I was doing back in ’81 with my girlfriend Lovey, that’s for sure. But you got to admit…those days are a lot more fun to talk about.”
-Vince Neil
The year was 1991 and WARRANT was enjoying their biggest commercial hit. ‘Cherry Pie’ was heavily played on MTV and it seemed the Hair Bands would rule forever.
But lead singer Jani Lane knew it was over when he walked into the office of Warrant’s record label and instead of seeing a large poster of the ‘Cherry Pie’ album cover just a year earlier, he now saw Alice In Chains.
And so the story goes… you may have heard that Grunge killed the hair bands, but did it also kill the career of wrestler ‘Ultimate Warrior’? Interesting take here
For those of us that love 80’s metal and hair bands, the early 90’s was painful… captured perfectly here
While Jeff Pilson knows that many fans think of him solely as the former bass player in Dokken, he can hardly be pigeonholed as someone whose career peaked during the ’80s. Read More